Sunday 21 April 2013

Since we last met...

Blimey, has it really been three months since I last wrote anything?  That really is utterly hopeless but goodness me I have been busy.  There has been lots of getting used to our new home, exploring the countryside around us, lots more DIY, a new boiler...the list goes on.

Life nowadays is rather different to our Twickenham existence in almost every way.  The house itself couldn't be more different and it has taken us quite some time to settle in.  For a long while we only lived in 3 rooms, we had about maybe a fifth of the furniture we needed and most days we would look at each other thinking what have we done?!  I now commute to work, our friends are an hour away, I can't hop on a train to London without considerable planning and the most exciting restaurant within 10 miles is Pizza Express!

All that said I am certain that we made the right choice and I love our new life.  We can walk into amazing countryside from our front door, we have an incredible farm shop on our doorstep, and we have space, more space than we really need but who's counting! The best change has been being able to have friends and family to stay and having the room to relax and enjoy without tripping over each other and playing musical chairs every two minutes!

I've got lots to show you, room updates, DIY projects, country walks and I will.  I promise.  In the meantime I'll leave you with a picture of my favourite little man because I know you'll have missed him!

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