Tuesday 31 May 2011

The dog ate my homework...

I have book club this evening and I haven't finished the book.  I was up late last night trying and will have to go home and cram after work.

I feel like I am back at school and haven't done my homework.  Fingers crossed I'll have read enough to join in and not look like too much of an idiot!

This month we are reading Geek Love by Katherine Dunn and I'll admit that it is a world away from my usual murder mystery or Austen classic.  Geek Love is about a circus owner and his wife who decide to create their own show attractions by exposing her pregnancies to radiation, drugs, chemicals and any other toxins that she can.  Aside from the somewhat strange context the book explores the more usual subjects; family, human relationships and society's attitude to anyone less than normal.  I'll let you know how I get on!

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