Wednesday 22 June 2011

Home, Sweet Home...

I returned home yesterday after working away from home for the last two weeks.  I have spent two joyous weeks at the Hilton Metropole at the NEC.  A hotel that in my opinion is indeed Dante's ninth circle of hell.

As I am there for such a long time I need my come comforts around me to make it more bearable.  My packing for this trip involved more non-clothes related items than actual outfits.   Here are my essential items to make even the most dreadful hotel room feel like home...

Photographs of the husband and Bingo:  I bought this leather photo frame in Habitat years ago and it travels with me when the husband cannot.  I like the old fashioned look and it reminds me of an age when travelling light hadn't yet been heard of;  when ladies would set up a dressing table just the same as in their home even if it was just for an evening.

Lavender oil:  I find sleeping on hotels difficult, but a few drops of lavender on my pillow and I am instantly relaxed.

A good book:  I love reading and a good book never fails to settle me and make time fly.  I am currently engrossed in Jilly Cooper's latest, Jump.  And I have to say that it is simply marvellous!

My iPad:  When I am working away it tends to be both antisocial and irregular hours.  I often return to the hotel and am simply too awake to go straight to sleep.  The hotel television offers little entertainment and so my iPad is a godsend.  I can watch films, catch up on blogs, listen to music...the list is endless.

Slippers:  I don't know what it is about slippers but putting them on at the end of the day really makes me feel at home.  I also hate the slightly grubby carpet that you inevitably find in big, corporate hotels and am much happier to have my toes encased in something a little more friendly.

Bubble bath:  Who doesn't love a bubble bath?  No matter how awful the day a long soak in a hot bath makes the world of difference!

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