Sunday 24 July 2011

Preparing for the week ahead...

I don't like Sunday evenings;  the end of the weekend, a period of limbo before work begins again.  They remind me of going back to school, of feeling nervous.  I have a Sunday evening routine to prepare me for the week ahead.

I like to make sure that my clothes for the working week are ready.  I realise that this next admission tips me slightly over the acceptable side of organised but I like to have all 5 days planned and arranged.  (This includes shoes, jewellery and handbag!) Sunday evening is also a time for grooming; eyebrows tidied, nails painted, a hot bath and face pack.

I try to make sure that the flat is spic and span, that all our washing is done and put away and that we have clean sheets on our bed.  When that's all done I sit down and decide what we will have for dinner each evening.

With all that in hand I take myself off to bed with a nice cup of tea and have an early night so that I am ready for Monday morning!

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