Monday 4 July 2011

Staycation, Part Two...

So the madrileños have left and we have an empty flat.   It feels very quiet so I am using the time to upload my photos onto my new computer, understand iPhoto and remember the weekend.

On Thursday we watched Arcade Fire in Hyde Park, they were supported by Mumford and Sons and both were superb.  The weather held out in the end and we were treated to a beautiful sunset as well.

Friday was spent in central London, a mixture of culture, shops and bars.  We visited The Cabinet War Rooms which are amazing.  I found them very moving and the Churchill museum that adjoins is excellent - my favourite item has to be the somewhat voluminous romper suit in maroon velvet that Churchill took to wearing.  We lunched in the cafe at The National Gallery and had a lovely and reasonably priced meal.

The afternoon was devoted to a more frivolous pastime - we hit the shops.  Meeting the boys later for a drink we were disappointed to find that The Experimental Cocktail Club was too cool for us and headed instead to Two Floors.  Dinner in Wahaca then home.

Saturday was more local and we took ourselves off to Hampton Court Palace.  It was a lovely day so we walked there through Bushy Park.  The park was filled with deer who posed obligingly for some photos!  The palace and its gardens are beautiful and require much more than one day to explore.  

Sunday was a lazy day with brunch in the garden then a wander to Strawberry Hill House.  It really is bonkers and is definitely worth a visit.  Then a cab to the airport and it was all over.

I am already looking forward to the next visit...

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