Monday 11 July 2011

Wedding number one...

Wedding number one was my sister-in law Katie & her lovely man Phil.  They picked The Crazy Bear in Stadhampton for their nuptials.  The main building is a sixteenth century public house that has been renovated and redesigned - eclectic doesn't do it justice!  The reception is in a double decker bus, the breakfast room is leather clad and the bar has a "Crazy Bear" mounted on the ceiling.

The bride wore Temperley and looked stunning,  The detail on her dress was so striking and unusual, and so suited to her.  The ceremony was just lovely with a poem read by Phil's mother that had been written just for them.  The second reading was an adapted version of A Lovely Love Story by Edward Monkton,  The husband duetted with his niece and had us all in fits of giggles.

Canapes and champagne followed the ceremony with some croquet thrown in for good measure.  The thai meal was fresh and delicious and the wine flowed!  Dancing went on into the wee hours and we retired to bed happy, with slightly tired feet!

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