Wednesday 13 July 2011

Wedding number two...

Our next wedding venue was the super impressive and somewhat daunting St Paul's Cathedral.  My sister was marrying her sweetheart in the wedding to end all weddings.

We arrived in true London style in black taxis to be greeted by a raft of tourists, all wanting to take our pictures and wish us well.  This bride wore Ian Stuart, although she would like me to point out that it was a far cry from his usual creations!  I know that I am probably slightly biased but she was simply the most beautiful bride; blushing, radiant and so happy.  

The ceremony was wonderful and as they left the cathedral as man and wife they were greeted by even more tourists, amateur photographers and well wishers.  It was quite surreal and at the same time breathtaking.

We boarded London buses and drank champagne all the way to Canary Wharf.  The reception was at Dockmaster's House and was a brilliant juxtaposition to the ceremony.  The restaurant is a lovely Georgian building with a separate bar, a sweet little garden and excellent curry.

Again we laughed and smiled our way into the wee hours.  I was so proud and privileged to be part of my little sister's big day.

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