Tuesday 13 December 2011

Long over due...

I haven't written a post for what feels like an absolute age and I have a million and one excuses.  The last month at work has been beyond busy, I was in Birmingham for nearly two weeks then headed straight off for a family holiday in Dorset.  So maybe not a million and one but valid excuses nonetheless!

So, to recap last month I set myself the challenge of not spending any money for the whole of November and I have to say that I was rather pleased with how well I managed.  I will admit that Spirit of Christmas proved rather too tempting for me and I was unable to resist a few purchases, but in my defence they were all gifts for other people.  I started my Christmas shopping early-ish and bought some beautiful presents.

I managed to stick to my guns for the rest of the month and didn't buy anything that wasn't on my allowed list.  Until that is I fell in love with a punch bowl.  It has a beautifully elegant shape and a glass ladle and is entirely impractical!  I will endeavour to take a photo of it for my next post, hopefully filled with a delicious festive tipple!

My bank account was noticeably healthier and I felt very pleased with my own restraint.  I may do the same in January, if only to make up for December which has been the polar opposite of a no spend month!

1 comment:

  1. I think I probably couldn't resist a punch bowl either!

    Well done on sticking firmly to your plan though, and welcome back, I have missed your chat!
