Tuesday 19 July 2011

Sunday roast...

This weekend we welcomed home the newly weds from their honeymoon with a lovely Sunday roast.  We are lucky to have a brilliant local butcher here in Teddington, A G Miller, and I treated us to a rib of beef.  Well actually two ribs, but who's counting?!

We slow roasted the rib according to Matthew Fort's instructions.  You turn the oven on as low as possible and pop in the beef.  And you leave it there.  For hours.  In our case it was just over 5!  According to Mr Fort this method retains all the juices and flavour.  I can wholeheartedly agree with him.  It was delicious.  We have his Cooking by Numbers book but I have found the recipe here.  We served with Yorkshire puddings, roast potatoes, carrots and cabbage and a good gravy.  I made a basil and raspberry sorbet for desert that was fresh and clean and a perfect end to the meal.

Even if I do say so myself it was absolutely delicious!

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