Wednesday 10 August 2011

The secret of getting ahead...

 " getting started" - Agatha Christie

I read this quote recently on Twitter and was immediately taken by how appropriate it seemed to me.  The organised, efficient me frequently despairs at the other me; the one that procrastinates and day-dreams and doesn't achieve as much as desired.  I aspire to be one of those people who leap out of bed in the morning filled with vigour and ready to take on the world.  The side of me that loves crossing things off of a list thinks that this would increase productivity and make life a better place to be. However, that side of me does have to contend with the side that actually quite likes a lie in, loves to imagine and plan.

Then perhaps I don't need to leap out of bed every morning, but rather just make a start.  Instead of endlessly planning my dream wardrobe or mentally re-organising the kitchen cupboards, if I just started one of them then maybe my two selves would move slightly nearer!

This week will be my week of getting started...

P.S.  And I am sure I don't need to mention that I doubly loved the quotation because of who it came from!


  1. Very much love a list. They make everything better!

    (P.S. I'm new and you have the best blog name!)

  2. Thanks Anna, I'm fairly new to the world of blogging but I am getting there - slowly!!

    (P.S. You also have a super cool blog name!)
