Sunday 4 September 2011

Bank holiday baking...

Last Monday the husband and I embarked on a bank holiday bonanza of catching up with family.  We packed up our little car and our travels began. We managed to fit in a Friday night supper in Windsor, a farewell BBQ in Watlington, a late afternoon tea in Hampshire and rounded it all off with lunch in Lymington.

Friends of ours moved out to Lymington a few years ago and I am filled with envy when we go and visit. The drive through the New Forest is so beautiful and they have a whole house to themselves.  And peace and quiet.  And they can be at the seaside in minutes.

But I decided to put my envy to one side and bake some cupcakes to take with us.  I opted for Earl Grey cupcakes from the Hummingbird Bakery book.  I had an old box that I did up with the help of the husband's faultless font picking and some tissue paper.  The recipe was very easy to follow and the end result very pretty indeed.  I am not sure that they tasted overwhelmingly of Earl Grey but they were jolly good anyhow!

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness, Earl Grey cupcakes. I must, must have some of these. Your's are very pretty too, you are more patient than I!
