Saturday 3 September 2011

A day in the life of...

I have seen this idea on lots of other blogs and had always fancied giving it a try. Essentially the idea is that you blog about what you have done on a particular day.  As I was catching up on my blog reading I saw on Alice's Quaint Living that there was a day in the life date organised so I thought I would give it a go!  I am not sure how interesting it will be but here goes:

Friday 2nd September.
I am lucky enough to start work at a somewhat tardy 9.30 and even more fortunate to be able to walk to work so I generally get up around 8.30.  This morning I tried to prolong the holiday spirit and had a lovely hot shower with one of Petit Marsellais shower creams.

I potter around getting myself ready, applying my various lotions and potions.  I have a myriad of them to chose from and opted today for my Marc Jacobs' Cucumber perfume.

I walk to work through the sunny streets of Teddington, it is a nice walk past the beautiful houses and ending up at the river.  As it is Friday I am slightly more casual than the rest of the week and am in my jeans and ballet pumps.

My morning is taken up with answering emails and some overdue admin.  I tick a lot of jobs off my list and am pleased with a coffee break at 11.00.  My coffee mug at work was a gift from the husband and features Bingo in action.  It is rather twee but I like it never the less.

I continue ticking off jobs and catching up until lunch time.  I am in the process of changing my name; after a year of marriage I thought it was about time!  It is rather more involved than I had initially thought so I wandered down the high street to the bank and am one step closer to becoming Mrs E.

My afternoon was dedicated to floor plans and scale drawings.  There was a welcome interruption when some cupcakes were delivered to my desk.  One of our contractors was celebrating their 10th birthday and had send the cakes out so that we could all join in.  Unfortunately they didn't last long enough to photograph!

I popped into the pub for a quick glass of wine as it was such a lovely evening and a Friday after all! The husband walked down with Bingo and joined me.  We headed home shortly after that to a supper of pasta with crab.  And a little more wine!

We sat on the sofa and watched a horror film, then off to bed.  I don't think I even managed a chapter of my book before falling asleep!


  1. Yay! Thanks for joining in! It is always interesting to hear about people's days.

    BTW I am a big Agatha Christie fan too :)

  2. Thanks Alice. I've enjoyed the other posts from you site very much,
