Sunday 8 January 2012

A few of my favourite things...

As I pack up our home in preparation for our move I am forced to chose between my beloved possessions. Most of our things are going into storage while we rent and so I am only keeping my absolute favourites with me. Gone are my beautiful wedding earrings, our posh dinner service, candlesticks, our wedding photo...the list goes on!

Here are a few things that I couldn't part with, even for a few months!

My Smythson diary.  I am surgically attached to this little book and without it wouldn't know my own name!

The topaz ring that was a 30th birthday present from my marvellous
Aunty H.

My perfumes.  I don't feel ready to face the day without them.

My beloved MacBook.  The most generous of presents from my super husband.


  1. THese are all perfectly acceptable things. When we moved I kept four boxes of books. :)

  2. I have moved around 20 or so boxes of books into storage and have been ruthless only keeping with me those which remain unread. There were a surprising number of them & I suspect they will keep me going long after the rest come out of hiding!!
