Monday 6 February 2012

Date night...

This Saturday night the husband and I had a date.  We ventured out for dinner and then onto the theatre in Richmond.  I love the occasion of going out properly, of getting dressed up and spending an evening just the two of us.

Dinner was at Côte, an excellent French bistro chain with beautiful interiors.  The onto Richmond Theatre, a splendid red brick building on the green.  We saw Murder on the Nile, an adaptation of the Agatha Christie book.  I enjoyed the play although some of the actors were less than brilliant.  Kate O'Mara on the other hand was super.  The Richmond Theatre is even more exciting for me as they have filmed quite a few episodes of Poirot there!

Heading home was more than interesting as whilst we were wondering whodunnit around 6 inches of snow had settled.  I was wearing the most inappropriate shoes - satin heels - and slipped and slided my way to the bus.  Thankfully me and the shoes made it home in one piece!

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