Wednesday 15 August 2012

Summer nails...

It is no secret that I love a nail polish and have an alarmingly large collection.  I am also a bit of a stickler for tidy, well kept nails and even better if they are painted a nice bright colour.

I'd love to be able to go for weekly manicures or pedicures but sadly my bank balance doesn't quite stretch to that just yet.  It does mean however that I am now fairly proficient in home treatments and have quite a range of lotions, polishes and tools.  My regime is much the same for hands or feet and I simply vary the intensity depending on what state my nails are in:

  • remove old nail varnish with cotton wool soaked in remover
  • rub in an exfoliant until almost dry
  • soak in a bowl of warm water for as long as you have.  I like to add some bath salts, or oils to this
  • if it is a pedicure then I buff my feet with a pumice stone
  • cut your nails and file the edges
  • push down your cuticles and trim any dead skin
  • slather on some cream and let it soak in
  • clean nails with a quick sweep of nail varnish remover
  • apply a base coat, colour and top coat
I keep my hands and feet well moisturised and have tubes of hand cream dotted all over the house.  I try to remember to use a pumice stone in the shower and cover my feet in cream each evening.  There is something very satisfying about lovely soft toes and a pretty polish!

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