Thursday 29 September 2011


It has been an absolute age since my last post and I can only apologise.  There are reasons; I have been super busy at work, I have been travelling again for work and I am rather down in the dumps.

First things first:  work.  My show season is approaching and the office is pretty busy right now.  I have an event in Glasgow in three weeks and then another two before the end of November.  I find work at this time of year all consuming and struggle to think about anything else.  The only silver lining is that I love the shows I work on and it is amazing to see them come together.

In preparation for the shows I have been out and about to various meetings.  This week I flew to Glasgow for the day to taste the menu we will be serving at the MasterChef Restaurant we are running at our show.  The food was super yummy and I totally recommend lunch there and a day at the show for anyone who is nearby!  BBC Good Food Scotland at the SECC 21-23rd October if you are interested?!

So, onto feeling blue.  I am usually a positive person, very much a glass half full kind of girl but lately I have been out of sorts.  You see the thing is the husband and I have a plan, and step one of our plan is selling the flat we live in.  We've tidied and cleaned and de-cluttered and had some lovely photos taken and we've had lots of viewings.  But no second viewings and no offers yet.  It has only been two weeks but it has really affected me, much more than I thought.  I love our home and am disheartened that no one else has loved it enough yet.  And we can't move onto step two of our plan until this one is out of the way.

I have my lovely friend from Madrid staying this weekend and we have lots of nice things planned.  I am hoping that this will cheer me along and that normal service will resume shortly.

In the meantime I shall leave you with a photo of Bingo.  He always cheers me up!

1 comment:

  1. It's always refreshing to have great people come to stay. A change is as good as a rest!
