Saturday 11 August 2012

An old favourite...

...and a new one.

This week saw me out on the town for a rare evening out.  We began at one of my most favourite of places, The Wolsey.  A champagne afternoon tea started the proceedings rather well.  We followed this with a visit to the super glamorous Bob Bob Ricard.  I know that the restaurant has been open for a few years now but I haven't yet managed to visit.  Downstairs they have a cocktail bar that I'd been longing to try.

The interior is over the top and decadent but in the best possible taste.  The bar is downstairs and is reminiscent of an ocean liner from the Twenties. Velvet booths and table lamps mix with outrageous wallpaper and waiters in bow ties.  The cocktails were excellent and served in the most beautiful vintage glasses.

Next stop was a bar I have always liked and have always called "The Bar with No Name".  It is a nondescript bar at the end of Kingly Street and I must confess that I have enjoyed many a cocktail there.  I think officially it is called Two Floors as there is a different bar on either floor.  I favour the upstairs bar and it couldn't be more different to Bob Bob Ricard if it tried.  The interior is minimalist with plain painted walls, a stripped wooden floor and mismatched furniture.  However, the cocktails are always excellent and it has a fun, busy feel to it.

Both photographs from the bars' respective websites.

One evening out, two brilliant bars and one to many delicious cocktails. What more could a girl ask for?!

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